It’s not no, it’s grow

By Melissa Williams-Pope I was speaking to a frightened someone recently. She wanted to believe that she could have a particular thing . . . But past experience showed her that it was impossible. (So she thought.) And believing it could be another way – Well, it...

You have permission to let it go now

How good are you at letting go? In my work helping women get really clear about their big core message, we inevitably come to a place of tension between that deep mission she’s feeling called to, and the pull of her past. It usually looks like: “But I...

Why I Saved for My Wedding BEFORE There Was a Groom

(Did you know that if something in this post speaks to you, you can highlight it and share? It’s easy! 🙂 ) Bonjour lovely! Yes, you read that right! I started a savings account for my wedding BEFORE I even knew who my husband was. Before I met him. When I was...
The Magical Journey to Published Author - First Class The Magical Journey to Published Author - First Class The Magical Journey to Published Author The Magical Journey to Published Author