You have permission to let it go now

How good are you at letting go? In my work helping women get really clear about their big core message, we inevitably come to a place of tension between that deep mission she’s feeling called to, and the pull of her past. It usually looks like: “But I...

Those Dreams That Make You Emotional

(Did you know that if something in this post speaks to you, you can highlight it and share? It’s easy! 🙂 ) Bonjour lovely! It’s still early morning as I write this. The blue skies that welcomed me when I first arrived have given way to a solid blanket of...

Are You a Slave to How Others See You?

Bonjour lovely, I’ve had lots of ideas this week about videos I’d love to create for you – videos just to say HI, or ones to invite you to something special and exclusive I might have up my fluffy pink sleeve (more on that in a moment), but . ....
The Magical Journey to Published Author - First Class The Magical Journey to Published Author - First Class The Magical Journey to Published Author The Magical Journey to Published Author