How to stop spinning and make that decision, fast.

Are you making decision-making harder than it has to be? Gosh, we put soooooo much pressure on ourselves to get it right. Perfect. The first time. All the time. So we absolutely agonize. Should I invest in this program or service? Should I go with this business...

Held Back By Perfectionism?

(Did you know that if something in this post speaks to you, you can highlight it and share? It’s easy! 🙂 ) Bonjour lovely, I set an intention to connect with you today, but my mind, usually brimming with ideas and things I want to share with you, went blank....


I’m all about the “reframe.” It’s too easy to see why something won’t work or why it won’t happen. But how about this: Instead of giving yourself reasons why you can’t, give yourself reasons why you can. And then you WILL!...

Pursue your dreams

Today you need to know: The dreams in your heart for your lifestyle and business are about more than just you! That’s why it’s ESSENTIAL for you to take the steps you need and get the support to see them to come...

I Wasn’t Ready Yet Either

Bonjour, lovely! Have you had a chance to listen to my new training audio yet? Women are telling me that it’s really revolutionizing the way they view their relationship with money. I’ve even been asked to create a workbook to accompany it (watch this...
The Magical Journey to Published Author - First Class The Magical Journey to Published Author - First Class The Magical Journey to Published Author The Magical Journey to Published Author