Are you making decision-making harder than it has to be?

Gosh, we put soooooo much pressure on ourselves to get it right.


The first time. All the time.

So we absolutely agonize.

Should I invest in this program or service?

Should I go with this business direction, or this one?

This niche and target market? But what about the other ones I like?

Should I do video? Blogging? Podcasts? Facebook or Instagram? Write a book?

Now your head is so spinning with possibilities that you’re freaking. out.

In New Zealand, they have a “Too Hard Basket.” That’s where things go that you don’t want to deal with.

But then you know what happens?

Nothing. That’s what.

You’ve heard of Analysis Paralysis, right? Where you can’t make a decision in any direction because you’re so overwhelmed with choices and options and your impossible-to-predict What If’s?

Well, here’s the answer:


There’s a reason the saying goes, “You don’t know until you try.” Because it’s truth.

So I never set out to work with people to guide them towards a niche and target market they enjoy, but that’s what’s been happening a lot lately.

(Maybe because I know from experience that the struggle is real.)

And here’s what’s been helping them come to a decision FAST (even though the majority of them have been sitting on their decision for months or years):

Adopt a curious mind. And experiment!

Often we’re not willing to make a decision because we’re afraid – no, terrified – of getting it wrong. What if I were to tell you that there might be no wrong? If you approach the decision from a place of curiosity and fun, a willingness to experiment, to give it your all for 90 days or six months and just see how it goes . . . just see where it might lead, it takes so much pressure off.

Ahhhhhhhh . . . .

Clarity comes through action, lovely one, not the other way around.

Vanessa just started working with me in my Message Clarity + About Me Page Co-Creative Experience. The first session is for us to connect and is only around 20 minutes, but she wrote me right after:

“I feel so inspired again and ready for a new chapter, a new adventure, *exciting*. I think (our time together) really opened up ideas, no not really ideas, clarity, that’s it . . . I now have clarity on my message and target market. :-)”

We only talked specifically about it for less than 20 minutes and she’s already inspired and excited, and clear on her message and target market!

Another new client this week was amazed at how she started with a bazillion options, but during her first 90-minute intensive, we were able to get to a deep place where she KNEW the answer to her niche and target market dilemma . . .

But she’d been too afraid to own it, much less say it aloud.

She was finally able to get to where she was willing to be brave and make the decision. To let it be an adventure of exploration because let’s say it again: “Clarity comes through action.”

What decision in your business (or even your life) has been looming over your head for far too long, lovely one?

Are you willing to stop the spinning, let go of the anxiety and step into action – in ANY direction? Are you willing to create some momentum so you can even BE in the place to course correct?

I hope you are! You never know what wonderful and exciting things lay ahead for you when you step out in faith.


With love,
Melissa xx
The Magical Journey to Published Author - First Class The Magical Journey to Published Author - First Class The Magical Journey to Published Author The Magical Journey to Published Author